Financial Support
Scouting is inclusive and everyone should be able to take part. We are introducing a new process for reviewing applications for members struggling with costs. Our criteria are based on the Scouts policy for grants.
Grants are assessed on need, and evidence is required to confirm who is eligible. Evidence that can help us determine financial hardship would be if a family is in receipt of/eligible for at least one of the following:
- Total household income level below £20,000
- Young carer (recognised by relevant authorities)
- Looked after (in care) child
- Free school meals or pupil premium funding
- Income Support
- Income-based allowances
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit or Universal Credit
- Housing Benefit
- Disability Living Allowance (related to the young person, parent or adult volunteer)
- Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
Circumstances outside of the above criteria can be considered by the Executive committee and a grant awarded if appropriate.
We will keep the position of the individuals who provide details about their financial situation in confidence.
To apply for financial support, please speak to one of our section leaders who will discuss guide you through the process.
Alternatively, please contact Natalie Smith (Group Scout Leader) via email at